Accent colors

Accent color is color for some important elements, such as links, buttons, icons. Currently accent color is #3CA2A2. This theme has some more predefined colors available in theme.scss, under variable $accent-color in the beginning of the file, such as #C38FD6, #8FD6B3, #35B4DE, #D2E354, #52B54B. You can use one of them (just hover over the label to see accent color in action) or define your own!

Text formating example

Some examples of text formating for some common text elements.







Italics: *asterisks* -> asterisks or _underscores_ -> underscores.

Bold: **asterisks** -> asterisks or __underscores__ -> underscores.

You also can combine them: **asterisks and _underscores_** -> asterisks and underscores.

Blockquotes and notes



Using very cool feature of kramdown which allows to assign any attribute to a block-level element I’ve added note and warning:

{: .note}


{: .note .warning}


Keyboard buttons

In case you need to show some keyboard shortcuts, like Ctrl+A use following construction:

`Ctrl`{: .key}+`A`{:.key}

Example of keyboard shortcut in terminal:

Ctrl + A = Move cursor to beginning of line
Ctrl + E = Move cursor to end of line
Ctrl + C = kills the current process.
Ctrl + Z = sends the current process to the background.
Ctrl + D = logs you out.
Ctrl + R = finds the last command matching the entered letters.